Saturday, February 19, 2011

Single, So What?

How many times have I encountered women dread the idea of singleness? How many times also have I encountered women think that I am dreadful of mine?

I have even encountered some people who think that being single means that you are flawed - that there must be something wrong with you.

Some mistake the idea that being lovable means you have to be beautiful, nice, mothering, accepting and warm. (I'm not saying that you shouldn't be either)

But it has been agreed (between me and a couple friends) that love strikes us in a fashion of helpless random.

Come to think of it...

How many not-so-pretty and average looking women have you seen in a relationship?
Have you also not seen bratty and spoiled women who are endured by their boyfriends?
How are there women with monstrous personalities, be pursued by men?
How come there are also beautiful women who are still single?

We all make standards which don't usually fulfill themselves.

We want the smart, attractive, and good provider...
Yet we end up falling in love with: someone average, slightly attractive, and broke.

I don't mean he's gonna be your boyfriend.

But it means that our personal standards aren't the basis of who is lovable.

So for all its worth...

Do not try to turn yourself into someone pretty - don't go under the knife to get a nose job or a face lift, don't lose the weight to make yourself curvy or skinny. Don't try to act nice, don't pretend to be mothering, and stop trying to cook food for him if you don't really mean to. Don't try to act a little less smart or cute as dumb to not intimidate him.


Nothing you do will make you be loved more because "falling in love" is random as it is...

In the same way that the people around us cannot do anything to make you fall in love with them.

Falling in love is not equal to loving.

No standards would ever tell you who is worthy of love.

You do not get to choose who is ever gonna love you, but you can choose who you will love.

Do not fret - loving someone is just as good as being loved, if not better.

Besides, who you love tells more about you, than who loves you.

Logically so, whoever loves you isn't who you are - it's about them.

Love though, unlike falling in love, is a choice.

You still have the choice over love.

You can choose to pursue the one you love;
You can choose to allow yourself to be loved.

Now enough with the self-pity women, and get on with life. :)